Complete Your Smile Temporary Tooth Kit – FAQs and Troubleshooting

The Complete Your Smile Temporary Tooth Kit is designed so that you can replace a single missing tooth. This kit includes 4 shades of teeth so that you can pick the color that comes the closest to your missing tooth. Fitting the temporary tooth can take some time and a few tries, since each persons situation is a little different, it may take more effort for some people to get the tooth to stay in place. But if you stick with it and read through the below additional fitting instructions, you should be able to get the temporary tooth to stay in place like it is designed to!

Fitting Your Temporary Tooth

If you are having trouble getting the tooth to stay in place, please read these tips.

It is important to note that the fitting material does not “stick to your teeth”, it is not a glue. The temporary tooth stays in place because the fitting material cools and hardens in the empty space of your missing tooth. So you need to make sure that you have it fit and positioned correctly.

• Make sure you are using enough fitting material. Make sure that you use enough material to fill the space of your missing tooth. If the tooth is not staying in place, you can use more fitting material and press the extra fitting material behind the adjacent teeth of your missing tooth. Press the softened material into the cracks and indents of your natural teeth. Once the fitting material cools, this will help hold the fitting material and your temporary tooth in place!

• If you positioned the tooth correctly, but the tooth wants to slide out of place because it is soft, you can speed up the cooling process by sipping on some cold water. The cold water cools the fitting material and it will harden faster. So keep a glass of ice water next to you during the fitting process, it may help you get a better fit if you are having problems.

Be patient and persistent if you are not getting the tooth to stay in place. It may take some time, but as you get used to the fitting process the better you will get at it and the easier it will be to get the tooth to stay in place.

Tooth Coloring and Shade

The Temporary Tooth may not match your natural teeth shade perfectly.

Each Complete Your Smile Temporary Tooth Kit includes 4 color shades to choose from. These colors are designed to broadly match general tooth shades, but may not be a close match to your teeth. You need to select the shade that is the closest to your natural teeth, but keep in mind that it may differ in coloring from your natural teeth. The Complete Your Smile Tooth Replacement Kit is a quick temporary solution for filling in the space of a missing tooth, it is not custom designed to match all possible tooth shades.

Thinness of Temporary Tooth

If the Temporary Tooth is thinner than you expect, that is OK. It is designed to be thin.

The Temporary Tooth is not the thickness of a normal tooth, that is by design. When the fitting material is added to the tooth, then the entire temporary tooth becomes thicker and fills in the space of your missing tooth. If the plastic tooth was as thick as a normal tooth, then it may be tooth thick to be used by some people and it would be less versatile. The thin tooth allows it to be used in more situations by more people.

Does it work for a lower tooth?

Yes, the Complete Your Smile Tooth Kit can be used to fill the space of a missing lower teeth.

You fit a lower tooth the same as you fit an upper tooth. Since lower teeth tend to be thinner in shape than upper teeth, you may need to use a pair of scissors to trim the plastic tooth so that matches the size and shape of your missing lower tooth.

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